Monroe County PFL
No manager on site.
Address and Telephone:
3596 County Road 50
Beatrice, AL 36425
District V Office Spanish Fort (251) 626-5153
Fishery Section Montgomery (334) 242-3471
Lake Information:
- 94 acre lake
- Contour maps (PDF 243 KB)
- Open Interactive lake contour map To view the maps, check the “Fishing” box. Then click the plus icon to expand the choices. Check “Lake Contours” and “Lake Depths” and the contour maps will appear.
- Rental boats are not available.
Fish Species:
Largemouth bass, bluegill, redear sunfish, and channel catfish.
Monroe County Lake is located 5 miles west of Beatrice off County Road 50. From Monroeville take Alabama Hwy 21 north to Beatrice, then left on Alabama Hwy. 265 for 1/4-mile, then left on Robbins Street (Co. Rd. 50) for 3-1/2 miles to Monroe County Lake. Ninety minutes from Montgomery, take I-65 south to exit 128 and go 17 miles on Hwy 10 to Awin and 20 miles south on Hwy 47 to Beatrice; right on Alabama Hwy. 265 for 1/4-mile, then left on Robbins Street for 3-1/2 miles to Monroe County Lake.
Hours of Operation:
Open sunrise to sunset:
- Open Wednesday through Sunday
- Closed Monday and Tuesday
- Boat ramp
- Fishing pier ** ADA Compliant **
- Restrooms
- Pavilion ** ADA Compliant **
Licenses and Permits:
- Normal Fishing License Requirements Apply to Anglers Age 16 or Older
- Fishing Permit Required in Addition to License for Anglers Age 12 and Older
- Daily Fishing Permit $5.00
- Annual Fishing Permit $30.00
- Annual Fishing Permit valid from date of purchase until August 31.
- Personal fishing boats may be launched with possession of a valid Fishing Permit
The daily and annual fishing permit can be purchased (prior to visiting the lake) in one of the following ways:
- License agent
- Online at
- Outdoor Alabama app
- County Probate Office
- By phone at 1-888-848-6887
(Note: Processing / convenience fees may apply.)
This information is subject to change without notice. Additional information and rules about the lakes are available from the lake manager, the Alabama Fisheries Section at (334) 242-3471, or the appropriate District Fisheries Office.