Deer and turkey hunters must record their harvest immediately using a harvest record (paper or app) and report their harvest within 48 hours through Game Check. By using the Outdoor AL app, you can immediately record deer or turkey on your harvest record, even if there's no cell phone service. Once service is available, it will automatically complete the transaction, issue the confirmation number, and update your electronic harvest record.
Information Needed to Complete Game Check by Phone
Before calling 1-800-888-7690 to Game Check your harvest, please have the following information available:
*** You MUST have your Conservation ID or ADCNR license number ready to provide to the operator. ***
How to Use Alabama's Game Check
You must carry a paper harvest record or have the Outdoor AL installed on your mobile device while hunting. To download the app visit our Outdoor AL page here.
Data collection is an extremely important part of any deer management program and should be the primary item affecting deer management decisions. Data collection allows managers to monitor trends in the deer population’s physical condition, deer population numbers, deer harvest numbers, hunter success rates, and many other measures of a deer management program and effectiveness. Not collecting the right types or amounts of deer-related data often adds many unnecessary challenges to an already difficult task. This is true for deer on a small private property or across an entire state.
WFF biologists and administrators examine the agency’s data collection efforts every year to assess the effectiveness and efficacy of the deer management program. One area where data collection efforts have been lacking is an understanding of how the state’s deer harvest is distributed across the state and throughout the season. As more people become comfortable with Game Check, it is hoped that hunters will see the value of the data gathered through the system.
Knowing when and where people are killing deer, as well as when and where people are not killing deer, will be indispensable when evaluating the effects of the timing and length of the various types of deer seasons (e.g., archery, muzzleloader, either-sex, etc.) on the deer harvest on a county and regional basis, rather than on only a statewide basis.
Managing Alabama’s deer population and its deer hunters is a unique and challenging process. WFF strives to be proactive in its management strategies and to keep the best interests of the deer populations and deer hunters at the forefront of the decision-making process. As data collection efforts improve and WFF gain a clearer understanding of the desires of the state’s deer hunters and the status of its deer herd, changes to the length and timing of Alabama’s deer season, bag limits, and other aspects of deer hunting in Alabama are likely in upcoming years.
Still Have Questions? Email Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries