Carcass Movement and Transport within Alabama CWD Management Zone:
- Carcasses and other parts from deer harvested within the HRZ must remain in the HRZ.
- Carcasses and other parts from deer harvested within the Buffer Zone must remain in the CMZ.
Importation of Deer Carcasses from Another State, Territory, or Province:
- Whole carcasses and other parts from the family Cervidae (white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, moose, fallow deer, red deer, sika deer, caribou, reindeer, etc.) may not be imported/moved into Alabama from any other state, territory, or province unless all meat has been deboned and skull plates and hides have been completely cleaned of all brain and spinal cord tissue.
The Following is ALLOWED to be Transported Outside the CMZ OR from Another State, Territory, or Province into Alabama:
- Meat from the family Cervidae (white-tailed deer, mule deer, elk, moose, fallow deer, red deer, sika deer, caribou, reindeer, etc.) that has been completely deboned.
- Cleaned skull plates with attached antlers, if no visible brain or spinal cord tissue is present.
- Unattached antlers or sheds.
- Raw capes, if no visible brain or spinal cord tissue is present.
- Upper canine teeth, if no root structure or other soft tissue is present.
- Finished taxidermy products or tanned hides.
Important Information Regarding Florence Frozen Meats and Fancher's Taxidermy & Deer Processing
Florence Frozen Meats and Fancher's Taxidermy & Deer Processing shall be considered establishments in the High-Risk Zone for those persons who are transporting, by the most direct route, the cervid parts prohibited by 220-2-.167ED Emergency Regulations for the sole purpose of Chronic Wasting Disease sampling, processing, and disposal in Colbert, Lauderdale, and Franklin Counties.
- Florence Frozen Meats is located at 1050 S. Court Street, in Florence, Alabama.
- Fancher's Taxidermy & Deer Processing is located at 713 Newell Road, in Red Bay, Alabama.
High Risk Zone Transport Permit for Florence Frozen Meats and Fancher's Taxidermy & Deer Processing