Alabama’s abundant deer population, generous bag limits, and long hunting season combine to allow Alabama hunters to stock their own freezers and share their game with the needy.
Donated deer meat is processed into ground venison, packaged and frozen, ready to be distributed to the food banks. There is no charge to the hunter for processing the deer. Many processors throughout the state are participating in the program and more are being added to the list each season. Ask your deer processor if they are participating in the program.
Begun as a joint project of the Governor’s Office, the National Rifle Association, the Phillip Morris Company, the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and the Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation, the program raised funds through the Governor’s Hunt for Hunger benefit quail hunts.
Donating food to the needy is just one of the many ways hunters help this state. We encourage all Alabama deer hunters to participate in this program. Hunters who know of local processors not participating in the Hunters Helping the Hungry program are asked to encourage their processors to become involved.
It’s not too late to be included in the program. Call (334) 242-3467 for more information or to sign on as a participating processor.
Make a monetary donation today!
Anyone wishing to make a donation to help fund this program may send a check or money order to the Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation, P.O. Box 140, Montgomery AL 36101-0140. Hunters Helping the Hungry should be noted on the check.
How Hunters Helping the Hungry Works
- Hunters field dress the deer and take it to a participating processor. It does not cost the hunter any money to donate the venison, but hunters may voluntarily pay processing fees to provide more venison for food banks to distribute.
- Processors grind the venison then contact their nearest participating food bank. The food bank will pick up the venison. Processors receive $2 per pound from the Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Foundation.
- The food bank will distribute the venison to those in need.