Carcass Disposal Best Management Practices
Processors and Taxidermists INSIDE the CWD Management Zone (CMZ)
Carcasses and other parts from harvested deer should be doubled-bagged and placed directly in a lined landfill.
Lined landfill disposal is the best way to prevent the spread of CWD
Carcasses and other parts from harvested deer within the HRZ can be:
buried onsite or at a location within HRZ, at least two feet deep or deep enough to prevent scavengers from digging up remains.
transported outside the HRZ only when accompanied by a valid ADCNR Processor and Taxidermist Carcass Transport Disposal Permit.
Carcasses and other parts from harvested deer within the Buffer Zone can be:
buried onsite or at a location anywhere within the CMZ, at least two feet deep or deep enough to prevent scavengers from digging up remains.
transported outside the CMZ only when accompanied by a valid ADCNR Processor and Taxidermist Carcass Transport Disposal Permit for transport.
ADCNR Processor and Taxidermist Carcass Transport Disposal Permit
This permit is for the purpose of transporting cervid carcasses or cervid parts outside of the CWD Management Zone in Lauderdale, Colbert, or Franklin counties for the purpose of disposal in a lined landfill, following ADCNR Best Management Practices for Processors and Taxidermists. This permit is valid only in the State of Alabama. The permit is subject to cancellation and may be subject to special conditions. NOTE: A copy of the permit must be in possession and available for inspection while engaged in transport.
Permit Application should be emailed to or mailed to:
Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries
64 North Union Street, Suite 584
Montgomery, AL 36104
Processors and Taxidermists OUTSIDE the CWD Management Zone (CMZ)
Carcasses and other remaining parts from processed deer can be:
- Bagged and transported to a lined landfill.
- Lined landfill disposal is the best way to prevent the spread of disease, including CWD.
- Buried at least two feet deep or deep enough to prevent scavengers from digging up remains.
Carcasses and other parts from harvested deer can be incinerated. The remaining ash should be:
- Bagged and transported to a lined landfill.
- Buried at least two feet deep or deep enough to prevent scavengers from digging up remains.