All hunters must be familiar with these WMA Regulations. These regulations contains complete rules for hunting on WMA property. Click below to read more about each regulation.
All hunters must be familiar with these WMA Regulations. These regulations contains complete rules for hunting on WMA property. Click below to read more about each regulation.
(1) It shall be unlawful on ALL DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES, WILDLIFE AND FRESHWATER FISHERIES DIVISION MANAGED WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS, COMMUNITY HUNTING AREAS, SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY AREAS, PHYSICALLY DISABLED HUNTING AREAS, AND REFUGE AREAS, all of which are established as "Wildlife Management Areas" by Rule 220-2-.22 and all of which are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to herein as "AREAS" or "AREA":
- DEER: Stalk Hunting – Rifles using centerfire mushrooming ammunition, pre-charged pneumatic arrow shooting rifles using an arrow equipped with a broadhead which has a minimum cutting diameter of 7/8” and two (2) sharpened edges, pre-charged pneumatic air powered guns .30 caliber or larger, shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using slugs or a single round ball, muzzle-loading firearms .40 caliber or larger, or handguns or pistols using centerfire mushrooming ammunition. All applicable laws regarding possessing and carrying handguns must be followed.
- DEER: Stalk Hunting - Primitive Weapons Hunt –Muzzle- loading rifle, or muzzle-loading handguns .40 caliber or larger, muzzle-loading shotguns, pre-charged pneumatic arrow shooting rifles using an arrow equipped with a broadhead which has a minimum cutting diameter of 7/8” and two (2) sharpened edges, pre-charged pneumatic air- powered guns .30 caliber or larger, or bow and arrow (including crossbow, see (1)(i)13. below).
- DEER: Stalk Hunting – Archery – bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. Below).
- DEER: Dog Hunts – Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using buckshot only.
- FERAL SWINE SPECIAL SEASONS: The same provisions as set out in (1)(i)1. and (1)(i)2. above, except at Seven Mile Island where Primitive Weapons Stalk Deer Hunt provisions only apply, as set out in (1)(i)2. above, with the addition of shotguns with slugs. OUTSIDE SPECIAL SEASONS: May be killed during any scheduled AREA hunt using arms and ammunition that are legal for such designated hunts during daylight hours only.
- TURKEY: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using No. 2 shot or smaller and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below).
- DOVE, WOODCOCK, SNIPE, AND RAIL: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller, plugged with a one-piece filler incapable of removal without disassembling the gun or otherwise incapable of holding more than 3 shells, using No. 2 shot or smaller and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below).
- WATERFOWL & SANDHILL CRANE: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller, plugged with a one-piece filler incapable of removal without disassembling the gun or otherwise incapable of holding more than 3 shells, using steel shot, T size or smaller and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below). Waterfowl may also be hunted with other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved shot and sizes.
- QUAIL: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using No. 4 shot or smaller and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below).
- SQUIRREL, CROW, AND RABBIT: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using No. 4 shot or smaller, rimfire firearms, muzzle-loading rifles and muzzle-loading handguns .40 caliber or smaller, rifles operated by air, and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below).
- RACCOON AND OPOSSUM – Daylight hours: Shotguns 10 gauge or smaller using No. 4 shot or smaller, rimfire firearms, and bow and arrow (including crossbows, see (1)(i)13. below). Nighttime hours: Shotguns using No. 4 shot or smaller or .22 caliber rimfire firearms.
- BOBCAT, COYOTE, AND FOX: May be hunted during any scheduled AREA hunt using weapons and ammunition that are legal for such designated hunts during daylight hours only.
- BOW AND ARROW (including Crossbows): Conforming to the provisions of Rule 220-2-.03, will be legal on all AREA scheduled hunts. Crossbows will be legal during any open bow and arrow season dates for any species. All archery equipment used during the bow fishing season of March 1 – August 31 must conform to the provisions of Rule 220-2-.46, relating to bow fishing.
- FALCONRY: Will be legal on all AREA scheduled small game hunts for legally permitted falconers.
- TRAPPING: Standard .22 caliber or smaller rimfire firearms only (no magnums), during daylight hours only.
(2) Individuals must follow the listed rules to participate in the scheduled youth hunts on any AREA.
(3) Special Opportunity Areas (SOA) –
Other requirements for hunters participating in limited quota hunts on the SOAs include:
1. On Crow Creek SOA:
(i) Archery Deer Hunts:
(ii) Waterfowl Hunts:
1. On Cedar Creek and Portland Landing SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Turkey Hunts:
(iv) Small Game Hunts:
(v) Waterfowl Hunts:
(vi) Dove Hunts:
1. On Uchee Creek SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Turkey Hunts:
(v) Waterfowl Hunts:
2. On Prairie Glades SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Dove Hunts:
1. On Blackwater River SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Dove Hunts:
2. On Choctaw NWR SOA:
(i) Primitive Weapons Deer Hunt:
3. On Fred T. Stimpson SOA:
(ii) Archery Deer Hunts:
(iii) Youth Gun Deer Hunts:
(iv) Youth Squirrel Hunts:
(v) Turkey Hunts:
4. On Little River and Thigpen Hill SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Youth Gun Deer Hunts:
(iv) Turkey Hunts:
(v) Small Game Hunts:
5. On Upper State SOA:
(ii) Archery Deer Hunts:
AND REFUGE AREAS, all of which are established as "Wildlife Management Areas" by Rule 220-2-.22 and all of which are hereinafter sometimes collectively referred to herein as "AREAS" or "AREA":
(i) To have in possession any fully automatic rifle or any firearms, ammunition, or bow and arrow except as described below:
(2) Individuals must follow the listed rules to participate in the scheduled youth hunts on any AREA.
(3) Special Opportunity Areas (SOA) – Hunting on Blackwater River, Cedar Creek, Choctaw NWR (Primitive Weapon Deer Hunt), Crow Creek, Fred T. Stimpson, Portland Landing, Prairie Glades, Uchee Creek, Upper State, Little River, and Thigpen Hill Special Opportunity Areas (SOA) will be permitted through a limited quota permit system determined by random computerized selection. In order to apply, ALL applicants are required to obtain a Conservation Identification Number (CID). Those residents who are 16 to 64 years of age and non-residents 16 years of age or older must have a valid WMA license to register for the SOA hunt selection process. Applicants must visit to register for a limited number of quota permits available for hunts on these AREAS.
Successful resident applicants and hunting guests 16 to 64 years of age and non-residents 16 years of age or older must obtain and have in possession a valid Alabama hunting license, WMA license, HIP, and state and federal duck stamps if applicable. Any violation of any rules, regulations, or laws by permit holder or guest while hunting on any SOA will result in those individuals forfeiting the remainder of their hunt and forfeiting their SOA eligibility for the remainder of the current season and the entire following season. Failure to participate in a solicited hunt without providing Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries 7 days prior notice of cancellation, by email to the hunt coordinator, will result in that individual losing their eligibility for future SOA hunts.Permit holders and guests shall only hunt and scout in their assigned hunt unit(s) on specified dates. All other access on any SOA is restricted (excluding Choctaw NWR) to foot traffic and non-motorized vehicles only and only during daylight hours from May 15 to September 1 with the exception of Crow Creek, Fred T. Stimpson, Upper State, and Prairie Glades where all other access is restricted.
During the SOA hunts, permit holders and guests may use licensed and unlicensed vehicles (eg. UTV, ATV, or electric bike) on roads open to motorized vehicles to access their assigned hunt unit, unless specified otherwise.
All deer and turkey hunters are required to report all harvests pursuant to the Game Check requirements in regulation 220-2-.146. It shall be unlawful for any limited quota permitted hunter to hunt without checking in and out of the SOA daily using the Outdoor Alabama WMA Check-In Application or with a WMA Daily Permit from self-service kiosk. When using the WMA Daily Permit, the tear-off stub with number matching Daily Permit must be filled out and deposited in return slot of self-service box. The Harvest Report portion of the Permit is to be retained in possession of the hunter until the end of the day, then filled out and deposited in the self-service box before leaving the SOA each day. Hunters are required to email pictures of their harvest to the managing biologist within one week of hunt dates. Other requirements for hunters participating in limited quota hunts on the SOAs include:
1. On Crow Creek SOA:
(i) Archery Deer Hunts:
(ii) Waterfowl Hunts:
1. On Cedar Creek and Portland Landing SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Turkey Hunts:
(iv) Small Game Hunts:
(v) Waterfowl Hunts:
(vi) Dove Hunts:
1. On Uchee Creek SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Turkey Hunts:
(iv) Small Game Hunts:
(v) Waterfowl Hunts:
2. On Prairie Glades SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Dove Hunts:
1. On Blackwater River SOA:
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Dove Hunts:
2. On Choctaw NWR SOA:
(i) Primitive Weapons Deer Hunt:
3. On Fred T. Stimpson SOA:
(i) It shall be unlawful to hunt on Fred T. Stimpson SOA unless selected for a limited quota permit for specific hunt dates on the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s). The permit holder and allowed guest(s) may only access (excluding approved scouting days) and hunt the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s) for those permitted.
(ii) Archery Deer Hunts:
(iii) Youth Gun Deer Hunts:
(iv) Youth Squirrel Hunts:
(v) Turkey Hunts:
4. On Little River and Thigpen Hill SOA:
(i) It shall be unlawful to hunt on Little River and Thigpen Hill SOA unless selected for a limited quota permit for specific hunt dates on the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s). The permit holder and allowed guest(s) may only access (excluding approved scouting days) and hunt the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s) for those permitted days.
(ii) Deer Hunts:
(iii) Youth Gun Deer Hunts:
(iv) Turkey Hunts:
(v) Small Game Hunts:
5. On Upper State SOA:
(i) It shall be unlawful to hunt on Upper State SOA unless selected for a limited quota permit for specific hunt dates on the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s). The permit holder and allowed guest(s) may only access (excluding approved scouting days) and hunt the assigned SOA and hunt unit(s) for those permitted days.
(ii) Archery Deer Hunts:
(iii) Turkey Hunts:
Author: Christopher M. Blankenship
Statutory Authority: Code of Ala. 1975, §§9-11-301, 9-11-305.
History: Filed September 30, 1982. Amended: October 18, 1983;
October 13, 1984; October 19, 1985; October 17, 1986; October
22, 1987; September 23, 1988; December 21, 1988; November 16,
1989; November 16, 1990; November 13, 1991; January 18, 1992;
October 24, 1992. Amended: Filed: September 14, 1993;
effective October 19, 1993. Amended: Filed September 13, 1994;
effective October 19, 1994. Amended: Filed September 13, 1995;
effective October 19, 1995. Amended: Filed August 20, 1996;
effective September 24, 1996. Amended: Filed August 11, 1997;
effective September 16, 1997. Amended: Filed August 11, 1998;
effective September 16, 1998. Amended: Filed September 13,
1999; effective October 18, 1999. Amended: Filed August 10,
2000; effective September 14, 2000. Amended: Filed August 28,
2001; effective October 2, 2001. Amended: Filed September 16,
2002; effective October 21, 2002. Amended: Filed January 6,
2003; effective February 10, 2003. Amended: Filed August 21,
2003; effective September 25, 2003. Amended: Filed October 18,
2004; effective November 22, 2004. Amended: Filed August 9,
2005; effective September 13, 2005. Amended: Filed September
20, 2006; effective October 25, 2006. Amended: Filed September
17, 2007. Amended: Filed September 11, 2008; effective October
16, 2008. Amended: Filed September 15, 2009; effective October
20, 2009. Amended: Filed October 6, 2010; effective November
10, 2010. Amended: Filed June 15, 2012; effective July 20,
2012. Amended: Filed September 6, 2013; effective October 14,
2013. Amended: Filed July 16, 2014; effective August 20, 2014.
Amended: Filed February 26, 2015; effective April 2, 2015.
Amended: Filed October 14, 2015; effective November 18, 2015.
Amended: Filed August 11, 2016; effective September 25, 2016.
Amended: Filed August 14, 2017; effective September 28, 2017.
Amended: Filed December 12, 2017; effective January 26, 2018.
Amended: Filed October 11, 2018; effective November 25, 2018.
Amended: Filed August 19, 2019; effective October 3, 2019.
Amended: Published August 31, 2020; effective October 15,
2020. Amended: Published June 30, 2021; effective August 14,
2021. Amended: Published August 31, 2022; effective October
15, 2022. Amended: Published November 30, 2023; effective
January 14, 2024. Amended: Published June 28August 30, 2024;
effective October 14, 2024.
Penalty: As provided by law.
(1) In addition to 220-2-.55, it shall be unlawful on Crow Creek, Mud Creek and Raccoon Creek Wildlife Management Areas (WMA):
(a) For any person to leave any vehicle parked at the established launching sites. Hunters must use the designated parking areas. However, physically disabled persons with approved handicapped vehicles may be parked at the designated handicap parking locations.
(b) For any person to create or hunt from any dug-out or excavated area.
(c) To construct and/or utilize permanent waterfowl hunting blinds (those using building materials, flooring, or flotation and/or remaining in position overnight) anywhere on the Jackson County Waterfowl (Mud Creek, Crow Creek, and Raccoon Creek) WMAs.
(d) For any blinds to be left in said areas for more than one (1) day. All such blinds shall be disposed of as deemed advisable by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(e) For any person to leave waterfowl decoys overnight.
(f) For any person to access the water in the section of Mud Creek WMA that lies west of the railroad tracks and east of the furthest west Mud Creek WMA boundary 48 hours prior to waterfowl season openings. Persons may enter that area at 3:00 AM on waterfowl season opening days.
(g) To have more than 25 shotgun shells in the possession of each hunter (excluding youth hunters during the designated youth hunt days) while hunting waterfowl on all Jackson County Waterfowl Management Areas (Crow Creek WMA, Mud Creek WMA, and Raccoon Creek WMA).
(2) The following shall apply to the DEWATERING UNITS on Mud Creek and Raccoon Creek WMAs:
(a) All boats and/or boat blinds used for hunting waterfowl shall be launched and removed daily or shall be floated to an approved launching site for overnight mooring.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to use commercial fishing gear from October 31st through the second Saturday in February.
(c) Temporary blinds may be used for one (1) day only and removed by the hunter. All such blinds, except boat blinds, left for more than one (1) day shall be disposed of as deemed advisable by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(d) All activity is prohibited from 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM during the period of Nov. 1 – Feb. 15 and 48 hours prior to waterfowl season openings.
(e) It is unlawful to use airboats.
(f) It is unlawful to hunt waterfowl on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, except during the Special Teal Season, the Special Early Goose Season, and the last two weeks of waterfowl season. All waterfowl hunting activity in the Mud Creek (Wannville) and Raccoon Creek dewatering units is prohibited on those days unless authorized by the personnel of the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(g) It is unlawful to use gasoline-powered motors in Mud Creek (Wannville) dewatering unit and Raccoon Creek dewatering unit (North of Hwy 117).
(h) It is unlawful to launch any vessel prior to 3:00 AM daily. All hunters preparing to hunt waterfowl are not allowed in the water prior to 3:00 AM daily.
(3) It is unlawful to operate airboats and air-cooled motors (go- devil type motors) on all portions of Crow Creek Refuge and North Sauty Refuge from November 1 to April 14 of each year. Airboats are prohibited on the Green Tree Reservoir in the Mud Creek WMA at all times.
Author: Christopher M. Blankenship
Statutory Authority: §§ 9-11-301, Code of Alabama, 1975.
Penalty: As provided by law.
History: New Rule: Filed June 30, 2021; effective August 14, 2021. Amended (PE): Published July 29, 2022; effective July 19, 2022.
(a) For any person to leave any vehicle parked at the established launching sites. Hunters must use the designated parking areas. However, physically disabled persons with approved handicapped vehicles may be parked at the designated handicapped parking location at the main launch only.
(b) For any person to create or hunt from any dug-out or excavated area.
(c) To construct and/or utilize permanent waterfowl hunting blinds (those using building materials, flooring, or floatation and/or remaining in position overnight) anywhere on the Swan Creek or Mallard-Fox Creek WMAs. All such blinds shall be disposed of as deemed advisable by the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
(d) For any person using waterfowl decoys on Swan Creek WMA to leave said decoys out overnight.
(a) All boats and/or boat blinds used for hunting waterfowl shall be launched and removed daily.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to fish from October 31st through the second Saturday in February.
(c) All activity is prohibited in the DWU when gates are closed. There shall be no activity from 7:00 PM to 4:30 AM, during the periods when gates are open.
(d) It shall be unlawful to use airboats.
(e) All limited quota walk-in and boat blind locations within the Swan Creek WMA DWU will be permitted through a limited quota permit system determined by random computerized drawing for weekend hunts or in-person drawings on the day of weekday hunts. With the following conditions:
1. In order to apply, ALL applicants are required to obtain a Conservation Identification Number (CID); registration is restricted to individuals 16 years of age and older; those residents who are aged 16 to 64 and non- residents aged 16 years or older must have a valid WMA license to register for the Swan Creek WMA hunt selection process.
Successful resident applicants and hunting guests aged 16 to 64 and non-residents aged 16 or older must obtain and have in possession a valid Alabama hunting license, WMA license, HIP, and state and federal duck stamps if applicable. Any violation of any rules, regulations, or laws by permit holder or guests while hunting on Swan Creek WMA will result in those individuals forfeiting the remainder of their hunt and forfeiting their Swan Creek WMA hunt eligibility for the remainder of the current season and the entire following season. Failure to participate in solicited hunt without providing Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries 7 day prior notice by email to hunt coordinator of cancellation will result in that individual losing their eligibility for future Swan Creek WMA DWU limited quota hunts for the present and following year.
2. Boat blinds must meet all U.S. Coast Guard Minimum Requirements for Recreational Boats. Life vests and kill switches must be worn at all times when the boat is under power and in motion.
3. Permit holders and guests shall only hunt on their assigned dates and within thirty (30) feet of their assigned hunt location marker.
4. It shall be unlawful for any limited quota permitted hunter to hunt without checking in and out of Swan Creek WMA on each hunt using the Outdoor Alabama WMA check-in Application and reporting harvest OR with a daily permit from the self-service kiosk. When using daily permit, the tear-off stub with number matching daily permits must be filled out and deposited in the return slot of self- service box. The Harvest Report portion of the permit is to be retained in possession of the hunter until the end of the day, then filled out and deposited in the self- service box before leaving Swan Creek WMA each hunt.
5. It shall be unlawful to access or hunt on Swan Creek DWU unless selected for a limited quota permit for specific hunt dates and hunt location. The permit holder and three properly licensed guest(s) may only access and hunt the DWU permitted hunt location and on permitted times and days. The guests may be different individuals each hunt day. Permit holder must be present with hunting party each hunt.
6. Permitted walk-in and boat blind hunters must be anchored or stationed to hunt within 30 feet of the appropriate hunt location marker for the duration of the limited quota hunt. Hunt location markers shall not be moved or otherwise altered or tampered with. No blind may be attached to the location marker in any way. If a boat or blind is found to be attached to a marker, all hunters in the blind will be deemed in violation of this regulation. Walk-in locations must be accessed by foot only.
7. Permitted hunters and guests may enter Swan Creek DWU at 4:30AM; Hunting may begin at legal shooting hours; all hunting activity is prohibited after 12:00NOON; and all parties must exit the DWU no later than 1:30PM. It shall be unlawful to leave assigned hunt location except when retrieving a downed bird or departing the DWU for the day.
8. Limited quota hunt selections will be conducted by:
(1) Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and Special Youth and Veteran Hunts, applicants will register pre-season on the limited quota hunt platform on Randomized computer selections will occur prior to the season opening. Successful permit holders will be able to hunt both days.
(2) Weekdays (Tuesdays and Thursdays), applicants will register in person on the day of the hunt. Drawing will occur at the District I Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Office (21453 Harris Station Road, Tanner, AL 35671) each Tuesday and Thursday during waterfowl season. Registration begins at 4:00AM, registration ends at 4:25AM and drawing will occur at 4:30AM. Successful permit holders can hunt only the day they are successfully selected.
Author: Christopher M. Blankenship
Statutory Authority: §§ 9-11-301, Code of Alabama, 1975.
Penalty: As provided by law.
History: New Rule: Published June 30, 2021; effective August 14, 2021. Amended (PE): Published August 13, 2022; effective August 1, 2022. Amended (PE): Published June 28, 2024; effective June 28, 2024.
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