Hunter = you have been selected for a limited quota permit. You must accept your hunter status to receive your limited quota permit.
Alternate = you have selected as an alternate for a limited quota permit. You must accept your alternate status. You will be notified by email if your alternate status changes to hunter, should selected hunters decline their permit selection.
Not Selected = you have not been selected as a hunter or alternate.
Why have I not received an email associated with registrations?
- Following the drawing, you will receive an email indicating your status if you were selected as a hunter or alternate. If you have not received an email, please log onto the registration page and click “Sign Into My Hunts to Register” at the top of the page. Click on an “Action Required” link to accept or decline your status. Any issues contact Area Manager Drew Able at
When will I get information about my hunt and my assigned unit?
- Drawn hunters and alternates are notified via email and have 72 hours to accept the permit. Following the 72-hour acceptance period, you will receive an email with the hunt location assignment, maps, guidelines/rules, and other hunt details. If you have not received an email throughout this registration process, we do not have an email on file for you. Go to to verify your contact information is accurate and up to date.
What are the water levels across the unit?
- Water levels vary across the unit from just a few inches deep to 15-plus feet deep. See estimated water depths for each blind location here.
What about youth and veteran hunt days?
- Youth/veteran hunts in the Dewatering Unit will be conducted by an online drawing only that is held before the season starts and include assigned hunt locations.
Are motion decoys allowed?
- Yes, motion decoys are allowed. Decoys that amplify sound (Chatter Duck) are not permitted.
What is the distance from parking areas to walk–in locations?
- Distances from parking to hunting location range from 1/4 of a mile to 3/4 mile.
What kind of blind is needed?
- Most locations require a boat blind. However, there are a few locations at which portable “A” frame type blinds can be used. At all walk-in locations, an “A” frame blind can be used.
Is the location in planted crops?
- Some locations are planted in crops, or managed for moist soil species, and other locations are on willow rows along the water channel.
What is required to enter drawing?
- To enter the drawing, you must have a valid Wildlife Management Area (WMA) license.
How will applicants be notified about drawing?
- Applicants will be notified via email.
Are there preference points associated with the drawing?
- Yes, there are preference points associated with this drawing.
How big can a hunting party be?
- Hunting parties can include 1 successfully drawn applicant and 3 guests per day. There may be different guests for each day. The drawn hunter must be present in order for guests to hunt.
Will there be an option for stand by hunters for open spots?
- There will not be any standby hunting options.
What time can hunters enter the unit?
- Hunters may enter the unit no earlier than 4:30 AM. All hunting stops at 12 Noon, and hunters must exit the dewatering unit by 1:30 PM.
Are there any shell or gun restrictions?
- All guns must be properly plugged to hold no more than 3 shells. Only nontoxic shot can be utilized. There is no shell limit per person or per day.
Are there any motor restrictions?
- There are no air boats allowed in the unit. All motors must meet US Coast Guard requirements for that specific boat.
Where do waterfowl hunters park?
- All waterfowl hunters need to park at a designated parking area. Parking areas and coordinates can be found on the map.
Is there a drawing for teal season?
- There is no daily draw for teal hunters. It is open 7 days/week and is first come first served.
Can ATVs or UTVs be used to get to hunt locations?
- At no point shall ATVs, UTVs, or amphibious vehicles be utilized to get to or transport gear to a hunt location.