Reef Fish Endorsement
The Reef Fish Endorsement will be required for any person possessing, taking or attempting to take any gulf reef fish species listed in Rule 220-3-.46 (see below). This endorsement is required for all resident and non-resident anglers 16 years of age and older, and includes disabled, veterans appreciation, 65 and older, lifetime license holders, pier licenses, annual saltwater licenses, trip licenses, commercial fishermen, and charter boats.
When purchasing your saltwater fishing license online, the Reef Fish Endorsement can be added to the purchase via a checkoff box. If you have a lifetime saltwater fishing license, the Reef Fish Endorsement can be purchased through the same online system.
Reef Fish Endorsement Prices
Individual anglers
- $10
Commercial Party Boats
- 1-6 passengers, $150
- 7-25 Passengers, $200
- More than 25 passengers, $250
Commercial Fishing Vessel
- $250
Gulf Reef Fish Species Listed in Rule 220-3-.46
Balistidae - Triggerfishes
- Gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus
Carangidae - Jacks
- Greater amberjack, Seriola dumerili
- Lesser amberjack, Seriola fasciata
- Almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana
- Banded rudderfish, Seriola zonata
Labridae - Wrasses
- Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus
Lutjanidae - Snappers
- Queen snapper, Etelis oculatus
- Mutton snapper, Lutjanus analis
- Blackfin snapper, Lutjanus buccanella
- Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus
- Cubera snapper, Lutjanus cyanopterus
- Gray (mangrove) snapper, Lutjanus griseus
- Lane snapper, Lutjanus synagris
- Silk snapper, Lutjanus vivanus
- Yellowtail snapper, Ocyurus chrysurus
- Wenchman, Pristipomoides aquilonaris
- Vermilion snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens
Malacanthidae - Tilefishes
- Goldface tilefish, Caulolatilus chrysops
- Blueline tilefish, Caulolatilus microps
- Tilefish, Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
Serranidae - Groupers
- Speckled hind, Epinephelus drummondhayi
- Yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus
- Goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara
- Red grouper, Epinephelus morio
- Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus
- Snowy grouper, Epinephelus niveatus
- Black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci
- Yellowmouth grouper, Mycteroperca interstitialis
- Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis
- Scamp, Mycteroperca phenax
- Yellowfin grouper, Mycteroperca venenosa