To report red snapper via a mobile device, download the Outdoor AL App. (Google Play or Apple App Store)
State Red Snapper Management Exempted Fishing Permits (NOAA Fisheries)
EFPs for all five gulf states can be found on this site. This site includes all of the permits and conditions placed on all gulf states regarding the management of the red snapper season.
Alabama 2019 Red Snapper Fishing Season FAQs
Alabama received 1,079,513 pounds of red snapper for private anglers under an Exempted Fishing Permit (EFP) from the National Marine Fisheries Service.
What is the 2019 season length?
- Weekends only (Friday-Sunday) from Saturday, June 1 – July 28, including Thursday, July 4
Size and Bag Limit: 16-inch total length; 2 per person, per day
Who is allowed to fish the Alabama Season?
- Any person who holds an Alabama saltwater fishing license (resident or non-resident annual or trip).
- Anyone 65 or older or a lifetime saltwater license holder must have a current angler registry.
- Anyone with an Alabama saltwater disabled fishing license.
- Anglers under the age of 16 are not required to be licensed or registered but must report their catch.
What if the weather is bad during days the season is open, does Alabama lose fishing days?
- The days are tied to the number of pounds allocated and the amount of fish harvested. If landings are reduced because of inclement weather, or some other event, that reduces landings, days may be added to the end of the season.
How will AMRD monitor the harvest?
- All anglers are required by law to report their red snapper through Snapper Check prior to removing the fish from the boat or the boat with the fish being removed from the water. AMRD will maintain a cumulative total.
What happens if someone does not report their red snapper?
- Failure to report red snapper can result in the angler receiving a citation that is a Class C misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $1,000.
- Additionally, the non-reporting of red snapper may result in the season closing early. Survey data is used to estimate compliance data and the higher the estimated compliance the more accurate the landing estimate will be.
How do federal for-hire charter/head boats fit in?
- Federally-permitted for-hire vessels are not included in the Alabama EFP. They have their own season. They may fish in state waters only during the days the state season is open. They may transit with red snapper during the days state waters are closed. Once the federal season is closed they may not fish in state or federal waters.
How do boats that only hold an Alabama Commercial Party Boat License fit in?
- They may fish the days that are set for the state season in state waters only (out to 9 nm reef fish line.) They are not permitted to take charter trips into federal waters.
Can red snapper be landed in Alabama while the Alabama season is closed?
- No. Possession of red snapper in state waters, while the Alabama season is closed, is prohibited. Anglers fishing under another state’s EFP must abide by the other states rules and land in that state. Anglers from other states may not transit Alabama state waters while the Alabama season is closed.