Public oyster reefs are assessed annually by SCUBA divers using quadrats to determine the density of oysters on the reefs. Oyster managements stations, collect harvest data from oyster fishermen and, in conjunction with the enforcement checkpoints, are used to monitor oyster harvest from public reefs. The Division also helps the Alabama Department of Public Health, Seafood Branch collect samples to monitor oysters on public reefs to reduce the risks associated with oyster consumption. This work supports management of our oyster resources. The data collected during annual assessment quadrat dives and at the oyster management station is used to make recommendations to the director about the condition of the oyster reefs and provide information to guide the opening and closing of oyster reefs. Oyster management operations are funded in part from a shell fee (currently $2.00 per sack of oysters) paid by oyster processors to the Alabama Marine Resources Division. The revenue from this shell fee may be used for oyster reef assessment, harvest monitoring, and for restoration activities such as planting oyster shell or other cultch materials to boost oyster abundance on our public reefs
Public oyster reefs may be opened for commercial and recreational harvest from October 1 - April 30 though the duration of the season is variable and dependent upon the oyster density and condition of the reef as harvest progresses. Each season, a press release will be sent out to inform the public which harvest grids will be open. When reefs are open to harvest, they may be harvested Monday through Friday from 7a.m. to 2p.m. All commercial harvesters must check in the oyster management station each day before harvesting. All culling must be completed by 2 p.m. and commercial catchers have 1 hour to check out and purchase sack tags at the Oyster Management Station (OMS). Recreational catchers are not required to check in at the oyster management station, but they are required to purchase a recreational oyster harvest tag at the oyster management station after they have finished harvesting for the day. Recreational harvest may only occur during days and times the public reef is open to commercial harvest. Recreational harvesters must adhere to the same culling rules as commercial harvesters and may only harvest from grids open to commercial harvest.A more complete breakdown of commercial oyster harvesting regulations and the oyster management harvesting grid map can be found on the Fishing Regulations page.
For more information regarding Oyster Management contact Jason Herrmann. For questions regarding oyster harvesting regulations contact either the Dauphin Island (251)-861-2882 or Gulf Shores, (251)-968-7576 offices.