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Prescribed Fire Planned at Wind Creek State Park in April

Controlled burning reduces the risk of wildfire and helps provide natural food sources for many wildlife species - Photo by Billy Pope, ADCNR

Controlled burning reduces the risk of wildfire and helps provide natural food sources for many wildlife species - Photo by Billy Pope, ADCNR

Prescribed Fire Planned at Wind Creek State Park in April

Alabama State Parks will conduct a prescribed burn in an area of longleaf pine at Wind Creek State Park in April 2019, weather permitting. The burn will take place adjacent to the park's main entrance on the north side of Alabama Highway 128.

Every effort will be made to ensure proper smoke management and safety of the surrounding areas during the burn period. The Alabama Forestry Commission and the Alexander City fire department have been notified and will be on standby if needed.

Longleaf pine is a slow-growing, fire-tolerant tree that needs fire in its life cycle in order to thrive. Prescribed fire is a valuable tool in maintaining the integrity of a well-managed longleaf pine forest. When properly used, controlled burning reduces the risk of wildfire by eliminating excess fuel on the ground. Additionally, prescribed fire stimulates new plant growth that serves as food for several species including wild turkey, white-tailed deer, bobwhite quail, fox squirrel, woodpeckers and bluebirds. 

For more information about the benefits of prescribed fire, visit

The Alabama State Parks Division relies on visitor fees and the support of other partners like local communities to fund the majority of their operations. To learn more about Alabama State Parks, visit


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