Prescribed burns of two longleaf pine tree zones at Oak Mountain State Park in Pelham, Alabama, are planned for mid-February through March 2021, weather permitting. The burns will take place in two locations within the park: approximately 168 acres near the upper fishing lakes and approximately 130 acres near the campground.
Every effort will be made to ensure proper smoke management and safety of the surrounding areas during the burn period. The City of Pelham Fire Department has been notified and will be on standby if needed.
The longleaf management program at Oak Mountain is a partnership between Alabama State Parks, the Alabama Forestry Commission and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Alabama. TNC will provide trained personnel, ATV equipment and logistics expertise to assist with the controlled burns.
Prescribed fire is an effective way to reduce wildfire risk, enhance wildlife habitat, and maintain a healthy forest ecosystem. For more information about the benefits of prescribed fire, visit
The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources promotes wise stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabama’s natural resources through four divisions: Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. To learn more about ADCNR, visit
Prescribed Fire Planned at Oak Mountain State Park