The 2024 Fins, Feathers and Flowers event at Lakepoint Resort State Park is scheduled for February 16-18. Like the Eagle Awareness weekends held at Lake Guntersville State Park, this event offers a variety of conservation-themed activities for all ages. The park is located at 104 Lakepoint Dr., in Eufaula, Alabama.
“We are excited to offer a few new experiences during this year’s Fins, Feathers and Flowers event,” said O’Dell Banks, Lakepoint Superintendent. “In addition to a variety of guided field trips and wildlife watching opportunities, a nature-themed watercolor class and plant walk have been added to the list of activities. Our new Discovery Trail has opened as well. The 3.1-mile trail features interpretive signs that highlight the wide variety of birds and wildlife found throughout the park. We invite anyone who is interested in the outdoors to attend the event and experience these new additions to Lakepoint.”
The weekend begins at 4 p.m. on Friday, February 16, with a conservation fair, evening social and welcome session. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet representatives from various conservation groups throughout the state as well as Alabama State Parks naturalists, park rangers and animal ambassadors. The evening’s featured speaker is Fred Bassett, a master bird bander, who will present a program about hummingbirds in the Southeast. The evening will conclude with a guided 1-mile night hike on Lakepoint’s Discovery Trail.
Saturday morning starts with a field trip to the Eufaula National Wildlife Refuge followed by breakfast at the lodge. Several birding, wildlife watching and outdoor recreation opportunities are also planned throughout the day, including a reptile, amphibian and insect presentation by Dr. Wesley Anderson, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist with the College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment at Auburn University. Saturday’s keynote speaker is Nick Sharp with the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR). In this presentation, Sharp will speak about the important role bats play in the environment and ADCNR’s bat conservation efforts over the past decade.
Sunday events include breakfast in the lodge dining room and a field trip to the Wehle Land Conservation Center, an ADCNR State Lands Division facility, in Midway, Alabama. For a complete weekend schedule, visit
Lakepoint State Park is offering a Fins, Feathers and Flowers overnight package that includes lodging for two nights and attendance at the social, dinner, breakfast, lectures, field trips and other presentations. For more information or reservations, call (334) 687-8011 or visit
Fins, Feathers and Flowers is a cooperative effort of the State Parks, State Lands and WFF divisions of ADCNR and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
ADCNR promotes wise stewardship, management and enjoyment of Alabama’s natural resources through four divisions: Marine Resources, State Lands, State Parks, and Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Learn more at
Fins, Feathers and Flowers Event at Lakepoint State Park Scheduled for February 16-18