Alabama Mussels in the Genus Lampsilis
Pink Mucket Lampsilis abrupta. Rare. Restricted to Tennessee River system. Present only in tailwaters of Tennessee River dams and in a short reach of Bear Creek in Colbert County. Found in riverine habitats. Listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN
Lined Pocketbook Lampsilis binominata. Extinct. Endemic to Apalachicola Basin. Historically occurred in Chattahoochee River, but has not been reported from Alabama since the early 1940s. Was reported from Apalachicola Basin as late as the 1960s. EXTINCT.
Wavyrayed Lampmussel Lampsilis fasciola. Special concern. Restricted to Tennessee River drainage. Extant only in Bear Creek, Colbert County, and Paint Rock River system. Limited to shoal habitats. Moderate Conservation Concern.
Florida Sandshell Lampsilis floridensis.
Southern Pocketbook Lampsilis ornata. Fairly common. Widespread in Mobile Basin. Also found sparingly in the Conecuh River drainage. Occurs in a variety of habitats. Low Conservation Concern.
Pocketbook Lampsilis ovata. Fairly common. Found only in Tennessee River drainage. Extant in tailwaters of Tennessee River dams and some large tributaries. Found in shoals and pools in tributaries, but only in riverine habitats in large rivers. Low Conservation Concern.
Southern Fatmucket Lampsilis straminea. Fairly common. Found throughout Alabama south of Tennessee River drainage. Usually found in slow to moderate current, but generally absent from impoundments. Low Conservation Concern.
Yellow Sandshell Lampsilis teres. Common. Distributed throughout Alabama. Often found in both free-flowing and impounded rivers. May be found in gravel, sand, or mud. Lowest Conservation Concern.
Alabama Lampmussel Lampsilis virescens. Rare. Endemic to Tennessee River system. Historically occurred downstream to Muscle Shoals. Eliminated throughout its distribution except in Paint Rock River system. Occurs in moderate current. Listed as endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HIGHEST CONSERVATION CONCERN.