The Conservation Advisory Board, created by statute, is composed of 10 members appointed by the Governor for alternating terms of six years, and three ex-officio members in the persons of the Governor, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, and the Director of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. The Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources serves as the ex-officio secretary of the board.
The Advisory Board assists in formulating policies for the Department of Conservation, examines all rules and regulations and makes recommendations for their change or amendment. By a two-thirds vote of the members present and with the governor’s approval, the Board can amend, make any changes, repeal or create and promulgate additional rules and regulations. The Board also assists in publicizing the department’s programs and activities.
Meetings usually take place in February, March or May. Please check this page for exact dates for future meetings. Constituents should contact their board representative with any comments or concerns.
Standing Rules
- Those who wish to address the Board must register between 8:00 and 8:30 am.
- The meeting will begin at 9:00 am.
- Please bring 18 copies of all documents you wish to distribute to the Board to the Registration Table. Make sure your name and organization are on each document.
- After registering before the meeting, the person wishing to speak should go to the designated microphone when called. After being recognized by the Chair, the person should first give his/her name, city and county. The time limit to speak is three minutes.
- If several persons wish to speak on the same subject, the group should choose one speaker to represent them. The Chair may or may not choose to call on each person in that group to speak for additional information.
- Questions or debate from Advisory Board members shall be limited to 10 minutes.
- No person may speak twice until all registered speakers have spoken, and then only at the discretion of the Chair.
Meeting Announcement
Department of Conservation & Natural Resources Advisory Board
Date & Time: March 8, 2025, 9 a.m.
Location: Gordon Persons Building Auditorium, 50 N. Ripley St., Montgomery, AL 36130 (enter at right – Ripley/Pelham – corner)
Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order – Chairman
- Invocation – Prayer
- Color Guard
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Call for a Quorum
- Approval of Minutes of 5/18/24 meeting
- Introduction of Board Members and District Reports
- Commissioner’s Report
- Special Orders/Public Comments
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
- Announcements
- Location and Time of Next Meeting
- Adjourn