If you were born on or after August 1, 1977, you must complete an approved hunter education program before purchasing a license. Hunter education is offered as early as 10 years of age but is not required until license buying age of 16. However, it is highly recommended to go ahead and complete the course as early as possible.
Hunter Safety Education Courses
There are two ways to obtain your hunter safety education certification. An in-person class, also called a traditional class or an all-online course. Either option fulfills the hunter safety education requirement to purchase your hunting license.
NRAHE.org - Alabama - FREE
From the organization that built the first ever hunter education program in 1949, the NRA online hunter education course is designed to help new hunters learn how to be safe and responsible members of the hunting community.
Educational Videos
Hunter Education Videos - from Hunter-Ed.com
How to Talk to Kids about Gun Safety - video from the National Shooting Sports Foundation and Project Childsafe
Treestand Safety Videos - from the Treestand Manufacturer's Association