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Outdoor Alabama News

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Officials Dedicate Moon Tree at Monte Sano State Park in Huntsville

McFarland Public Boat Ramp Improvements Celebrated During Major Fishing Tournament in Florence

Teenager Mari Grace Brooks Reaches Elite Turkey Hunting Status

Even the most lifelong-obsessed turkey hunters will have to be impressed by what Mari Grace Brooks has accomplished in chasing the elusive birds the past 15 years. The 19-year-old from Ramer, Alabama, has two Grand Slams, taking the four subspecies – Eastern, Osceola, Rio and Merriam’s – in the United States, which is quite a feat for any turkey hunter. Even more impressive is she has two Double Grand Slams, where she harvested two of each of those species in one year. One year, she harvested a Royal Slam that added the Gould’s from Mexico. The crowning achievement of her…